Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

A little over a month later of pure blissfulness with Jon, Gia awoke in the middle of the night ,grasping her stomach. At first she thought maybe it was time for Auntie Flo to make her appearance.  It had been a good 5 weeks since she had hers and this one was out for vengeance it seemed , she slowly sat up but as she did so another ‘cramp ‘ blindsided her causing her to let out a soft shrill. “ Fuck! “ .

She tried to climb out of bed and make it to the bathroom , but each time she moved the pain grew worse. What the fuck was going on ? She has had bad cramps before but never to the point where she wanted to cry.

Jon stirred when he heard her low swearing and cracked open an eye lid. “S’matter baby? “ He asked sleepily.

Gia gritted through the pain. “ I dunno -- Fuck me this hurts . Thought it was my period coming but this aint right I don’t think ? “

Jon frowned and sat up reaching over to flip on the light. He squinted in the brightness and turned. He placed his hand on Gia’s back and rubbed lightly, reassuringly. “ Want me to get you some aspirin honey?”

“Help me to the bathroom please ? Hell its never been this -- “Gia gasped the moment her feet touched the floor a gush of blood streamed down her leg . “Something isn’t right about this “ she winced doubling over in excruciating pain .

Jon frowned when she gasped and came fully awake. Her appearance finally catching his attention. Her face was white, her forehead beaded with slight dampness. He came around and steadied her looking down he swore. “Sit down babe, I’m calling for help.” He tried to keep the panic out of his voice but it was a hard. His brain raged, what was going on? He crossed to the phone, dialed the front desk and explained that he needed paramedics. placing the phone back into it’s cradle he came back to her. “It’s gonna be ok baby. ok? I don’t know what’s going on but help is coming ok?”

Gia slumped back on the bed ,curling in a ball , trying to will the pain away. Tears glistened her eyes ‘I hope they hurry , it hurts so bad. “ she pleaded her voiced coated with pain. “Its never hurt this bad baby , something is wrong I know it. “

Jon knew something was very wrong. There was much more blood than there should have been, even being a guy he knew what was normal when it came to things like that. He racked his brain. How could this be happening? Wouldn’t he have known if she had been pregnant? He glanced down at the spreading blood and prayed for help to arrive. Obviously not... It seemed like hours but in reality was only minutes before there was a knock and the paramedics announced themselves. He dropped a kiss on her forehead and hurriedly let them in. As they came thru the door asking questions Jon lowered his voice and whispered to the man in charge “I think... i think she’s having a miscarriage.” As strange as it seemed, as careful as he’d been it was the only reason he could think of for this to be happening.

The medic nodded. “Don’t worry sir we’ll take good care of her.” him and his partner immediately went to work. “ Hi ma’am you’ll be just fine. " he said re-assuredly , as he began his quick assessment . then murmured to his partner to radio in this was definitely a miscarriage in progress.

They slowly moved her to the gurney , Gia’s eyes were filled with a mixture of fear and pain , she held her hand out for Jon “I’m scared. “ She had no idea what was goin’ on and at the moment to scared and in pain to care . She just wanted to feel better.

“Don’t worry babe, I’m comin’ with ya. “ He grabbed his jacket and followed the whole group out staying near to the gurney as he could without getting in the way. ‘It’s gonna be ok I promise... trust me?”

Gia nodded as she winced again another sharp pain ripped through her . The medics loaded her quickly and carefully into the ambulance and whisked her off to the hospital which thankfully was only a few short minutes away.

Once at the hospital, The medics unloaded her , speeding her through to an empty room where a doctor was waiting . Gia pleaded with them to let Jon stay “ Please I need him. “ tears were falling down her pale cheeks .

Jon brushed her hair back from her forehead, ‘Baby I just gotta step outside for a few minutes ok? They need some information so they can help you. I won’t be long I swear.” He kissed her cheek. Feeling her pain and sadness just as deeply as she did. “I’ll be right here when you wake up ok?” He nodded at the Doctor who gave the nurse the ok for sedation.

“You promise ? “ She asked as her eyes grew heavy , “I’m so tired , I love you. “ then her eyes grew shut , a soft peaceful snore replaced the painful cries she had been voicing a few moments ago.

“Damn it Gia, I love you too.” he swore. Shaking his head he backed away, knowing she was in good hands. He found himself a seat in the waiting room and thought hard. The shock of what had just happened settled in deep. They’d made a baby? How? When? Ok, he knew how but when? He had to smirk a bit asking himself such a silly question. It could have been one of any of the many times. He was almost always careful... almost. So, he’d forgotten once or twice, he didn’t think......a baby... shit, wow. He ran a hand thru his bed tousled hair. No, no baby, not now. Was he happy or sad? He didn’t even know, he was still in shock. The idea of a baby with Gia had never even entered his mind before but now....

“Well, I'll be god damned.” he laughed a sad kind of laugh. Funny time to realize you’re in love with the woman Jon.

The doctor walked out after what seemed like hours to find his patient’s boyfriend “ Excuse me , Mr Bongiovi ? “

“Hmm? yeah, yeah that’s me... she’s ok right?” he stood quickly. His face hopeful.

“Yes , she is gonna be fine , but I’m sorry she did lose the baby.  We did perform a d/c on her and stopped the bleeding and had to give her some blood as well but with some rest, she will be just fine. And  she will be have more children. " The Doctor paused casting a sympathetic look towards Jon. I’m sorry I have no explanation for why it happened sometimes , its natures way of when its not right to -- well you know again I’m sorry “

Jon listened, divesting all the words, his brain working over time. he nodded “I ... we... didn’t even know.” He shrugged, a confused look on his face. “I... I’m just glad she’s gonna be ok. I was.......scared.... thank you.... can I see her soon?”

“ You may go in , she’s asking for you . ‘ The doctor said with a sympathetic tone , sometimes he really hated this part of his job “IF everything goes alright she can go home tomorrow . “

“We’re uh... we’re traveling... is... can she?”

“Yes she can travel. She just needs lots of rest and don’t have her overdue it for awhile and lastly no sex for about 6 weeks. Make sure she has a check up within that time frame. One reason for no sex is to heal the other is her body isn't ready for another baby quite so soon. “

Jon nodded, “I’ll make sure she rests and.. thanks.” He grabbed his jacket and made his way back into her room.


  1. :-0 Holy cow... oh my gosh, I hope Jonny and Gia will be okay! :'( I'm crying now...

    Another chapter quickly, please....

  2. Now you realize that you love her?! Please let Gia and Jon be ok. Jon she id going to need you now more than ever,so be there for her.
